Our Journey to Gracie

We give thanks to our Lord for such a blessing as this. We are again feeling so blessed to be chosen to be the parents to another wonderful angel from China. Gracie is our third gift from China. We brought Hannah home in 2004 and Caleb home in 2005. It is beyond our wildest dreams to again be taking that journey to China to add another blessing to our family.

Friday, September 20, 2013

September 20, 2013


Gracie girl is doing so well.  She is a joy and is such a blessing.  She is a sweet, happy, giggly girly girl and we love her so!  She is 10 years old now and in 4th grade.  She struggles a bit with school but really tries so hard.  She was diagnosed with an expressive and receptive language disorder so everything is hard for her.  She gets lots of extra help at school and has had extra language therapy at Childrens.  We have had her evaluated by genetics and though she has 3 chromosomal abnormalities it is difficult to pinpoint a specific diagnosis though with my research so much points to Ehrlers Danlos syndrome.  We will try to get her into a study that could possibly get us a definate diagnosis but for now she is getting the help she needs.  Suffice it to say this girl has blessed us beyond our imaginations.  We thank God every day for the journey that brought our precious girl home.  I will leave you with some pictures.