Our Journey to Gracie

We give thanks to our Lord for such a blessing as this. We are again feeling so blessed to be chosen to be the parents to another wonderful angel from China. Gracie is our third gift from China. We brought Hannah home in 2004 and Caleb home in 2005. It is beyond our wildest dreams to again be taking that journey to China to add another blessing to our family.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 17th Adoption day

Today began very early again. Hannah and Grace and I went to sleep at 4pm yesterday and they both slept until 5this morning. Gracie had her first bath today and loved it of course. She brushed her teeth like an old pro. At breakfast she ate and ate. She hasn't been upset all day except when she fell and once when Tim took M&M's away from her. She is getting inquisitive. Getting into everything now. Anyway after breakfast we went to the Civil Affairs and finished all the paperwork and Gracie Yu Hong Hope is officially an Egan. We ate breakfast next to the family who adopted Gracie's roommate at the orphanage. They are from Iowa. We got their email so we can keep in touch with them. Their little girl is 3 years old. She is much more shy than Gracie. They get excited when they see each other. Later today we met them in the playroom and they played for quite a while. Then Tim and I and the kids took a cab to Super Walmart. That was pretty exciting. We ate a late lunch and then went to the swimming pool. Everyone had to wear swimming caps. We all looked so cute. Gracie of course loved the water. She and Hannah had a great time. We met a little girl named Sung Li. She was 7 years old and spoke some English. She was very friendly. Tomorrow we are going sightseeing in the morning. To the Educational side of Changsha and then to an embroidery factory. Gracie is giving kisses to both Tim and I. She puckers up so cute. I brought a book with baby faces making different expressions and she imitates all of them so cute. She is quite the little showoff, and a big gigglebox. I'll post a few pictures and say goodnight for now.

To everyone at home we miss you all very much and can't wait to get home to all of you.


zfamily19 said...

hello my little darling grandma is so happy to see you and can't wait to get a hold of you. i can harldly see now because of the tears but they are tears of joy. i want you to to give each other big hugs and kisses
From Grandma Zechella

Zbird said...

Jackie & Tim
Congratulations! Grace is beautiful. We will pray for healthy and safety as you travel home.

zfamily19 said...

How beautiful! What a wonderful blessing from God. Hope you guys get back safly and see you when you get home

Love Jim Paula Logan