Our Journey to Gracie

We give thanks to our Lord for such a blessing as this. We are again feeling so blessed to be chosen to be the parents to another wonderful angel from China. Gracie is our third gift from China. We brought Hannah home in 2004 and Caleb home in 2005. It is beyond our wildest dreams to again be taking that journey to China to add another blessing to our family.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

July 21 2007 medical exam

July 21,2001 Medical Exam

We woke up in Guangzhou today and had breakfast at their wonderful buffet. Their buffet is amazing. There is so much to choose from. We filled up and then headed out for the kids Visa pictures and then to the medical exams. We walked as a group over to get the pictures done. While we waited Hannah and little Nina found princess crowns and wands and purses. They had a ball dressing up. When pictures were done we walked down the block for the medical exams. It wasn't too crowded this time. Once again we had the height and weight. Gracie was 10kg in weight or a whopping 22 pounds. The medical exam was not too bad. Gracie didn't cry at all. Then off to the ENT where they played a piano and squeezed a toy to see if she could hear. She passed with flying colors. We headed back and had to stop in a few stores to do some shopping of course. A few more outfits for Gracie and a few gifts. It was getting pretty hot so we headed to the Swan Room-or the play room. The kids had a ball playing in there. Tim is in a lot of pain today because he hurt his shoulder some how. We let him lay around for a while and I took the girls to Lucy's for lunch. They enjoyed this quite a bit. Later Tim went off for paperwork and I took the girls back to the playroom. This evening the whole group went to a Thai restaurant called Cow and Bridge. It was ok. The girls were very sleepy by this time. We headed back to the hotel and Devon asked if Hannah and Gracie wanted to go swimming with her girls so we got dressed and headed to the pool. They loved this of course. Once back to the room I barely changed them and dried their hair and they were asleep. It is 8:59 and they are sound asleep. Judy, one of the guides got Tim some Red Tiger balm. It hasn't really helped much. I'm trying to get him to go to the clinic or at least for a massage but he says no. He really is hurting quite a bit. Tomorrow is a shopping tour day to Pearl and Jade markets and downtown shopping. I'll probably take the girls and let Tim rest his shoulder. It is really great to be in Guangzhou. IT is much slower paced and less crowded. Please pray that Tim feels better tomorrow and can get back to enjoying the trip. I'll post some pics and get back to you tomorrow. Gracie continues to show her personality. She is getting more loving as well. She is hugging and kissing more each day. Her smile is the best. We miss you all.

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