Our Journey to Gracie

We give thanks to our Lord for such a blessing as this. We are again feeling so blessed to be chosen to be the parents to another wonderful angel from China. Gracie is our third gift from China. We brought Hannah home in 2004 and Caleb home in 2005. It is beyond our wildest dreams to again be taking that journey to China to add another blessing to our family.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

July 19th Orphanage Trip
Today was an interesting day. It started early as usual with the girls and I rising early around 5:30am. After our usual breakfast we met our Guide Susan to go on our trip to the orphanage. It was an hour and a half trip. We arrived and as we stepped out of the van Gracie immediately began crying and clinging to me. She was obviously upset as she thought we were bringing her back. I talked to her and reassured her as I held her tight. Some of the peole from the orphanage tried to talk to her and she cried harder. She calmed down as we waiting in a room to be taken on a tour but when a woman came in talking in a loud voice and trying to take her from me she became very upset again. I held onto her and told her i wouldnt leave her. She again calmed down when the woman left her alone. We finally began our tour. As we climbed the stairs to her living area she became very upset again as she thought we were definately taking her back. Her nanny was there and talked with her and told her she was staying with her mamma and babba and she calmed down. She did let her nanny hold her as well. She came back to me and held on as we finished looking around. The children in her area were so sweet. We were not permitted to take any pictures of the children only the rooms. We saw where she slept. Wooden cribs with thin bamboo mattresses in a small very hot room. The children were in this area playing as well. There was no air conditioning except in the first room we had waited in. The heat was unbearable. They showed us the clinic, dining area and play area. It was a very short tour. The orphanage was reasonably clean but limited on toys. The play area outside was big but it was so hot noone was out there playing. As we waved goodbye Gracie waved and said bye bye and was smiling as we got back into the van. She has definately showed us that she is very happy with us and does not want to ever go back.
Back at the hotel we played, took a walk down the street which was very hot and then ordered pizza from Pizza hot. Gracie ate the cheese off the top and tried the garlic bread. She ate some cream of mushroom soup too. We played and colored and painted our nails again. Finally the girls had another bath together and were both asleep by 7pm for the night.
We are so blessed to have been given another beautiful angel. She is just so perfect. Her personality has really emerged. She loves to play and imitate things. Her Babba gets her laughing so much. She loves being with her jie jie Hannah and imitates her. They sat together today side by side watching dvd's on the computer. We miss everyone so much and can't wait for all of you to meet this precious little gift from God.

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