Our Journey to Gracie

We give thanks to our Lord for such a blessing as this. We are again feeling so blessed to be chosen to be the parents to another wonderful angel from China. Gracie is our third gift from China. We brought Hannah home in 2004 and Caleb home in 2005. It is beyond our wildest dreams to again be taking that journey to China to add another blessing to our family.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Guangzhou

Sunday July 22

Today was a nice day. We rose to 2 smiling faces again this morning. After breakfast we went as a group to a Pearl Market/Shopping mall and Jade market/mall. Some of the families bought pearls and jade but it was kind of expensive. We did buy some DVD's very cheap and shopped for a while. Tim stayed back because his shoulder was still bothering him. We were back to the hotel around 1pm so then Tim and I and the girls went t o Lucy's for lunch and then did some shopping in the local shops. Tim is very good at bartering with the shop owners. Hannah and Gracie bought some tiaras and wands so we truly have 2 little princesses. We the spent 2 hours playing in the play room. They have so much fun in there. Gracie started puttering out and wasn't her happy self and it felt like she may have a fever. We came back to our room around 5 and she fell right to sleep. I took her temp and it was 99.8. Not to bad yet. We are praying it is nothing. Hannah fell asleep soon after that and they are probably down for the night. Tim and I just ordered from Danny's bagels and are watching a dumb movie on tv. Tomorrow morning is free and then the group is meeting around 2:30 to go tour some Buddhist temple. We'll see how Gracie is feeling. We may just take a lazy day. Our time is quickly coming to an end here. Tuesday is our Consulate appt and red couch photos. Wednesday we fly home. It is very bittersweet. We can't wait to get home but once again we are leaving behind a part of our childrens heritage. We love China and all that it means to our children but we also want to bring her sweet girl home to see her new home. As I write this all of you back home are rising to get ready to go worship our Lord freely and without worry. Here it is a different story. One day maybe the people of China will get to freely worship too. We thank God for all he has blessed us with, He is truly an awesome God.

1 comment:

Zbird said...

I remember racing back to the White Swan to order from Danny's before they closed. Good Stuff! Enjoy your last few days and have a safe trip home.